Alabama Quakes
In anticipation of the inevitable Roy Moore win I began the first drawing below on Alabama's Election Night for inclusion in this week's Inx Package. It depicts Judge Dreadful as the driver of the GOP's new pedo van, scaring away young females. In the Age of Trump, extreme cynicism has become the default setting in all matters political, and I was dead certain that Alabamans would reject 'big city' critiques of Moore's antediluvian views (even Noah would think they were backward) and the painfully credible charges of his preying on underaged girls. I was sure they'd elect him as much out of cussedness as an embrace of his 'values'.
I've rarely been so happy to admit I was wrong. Doug Jones, a fairly progressive Democrat with a solid history on defending civil rights, edged out the reprobate, dealing a blow to Trump, Bannon and the Senate Republicans. Well, Happy Hanukkah and Holy Shit. I was thrilled to amend the original image.Martin Kozlowski