NW Books: Bedeviled Dictionary
Have you ever noticed an unfamiliar word or expression suddenly popping up everywhere and wondered ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Or, conversely, encountered some new cultural phenonmenon and had no word to describe it? If so, the Bedeviled Dictionary is for you.
HB: Roberts Rules of Disorder
Chief Justice rejects calls by Trump and allies to impeach judges
–– After his court issued madman License to Kill.
How to Do Layoffs Humanely
–– Watch Musk, do opposite. 03/21/25
Inxart: Breach Ball
Inxart.com is the place for editors and art directors to download the best in political illustration. This week:
Trump's National Security Clowns, Homan's Brutal Deportations, Detained, Leavitt's Lies, Trump's Populist Coup and Litigious White House at inxart 03/26/25.
Gert's Follies: Sans Tropez
Gertrude & Alice snap up a naughty skin pic by Pabs Picasso en vacances à la mer. Pamper yourself with Tom Hachtman's sizzling Cult Comics Classic collection Gertrude et Alice. And stretch out and soak up the latest installment of Gertrude's Follies
What Not: I's Capades
It's once again that special season of tinsel and fruitcake, of electric choo-choos and red-nosed ruminants amongst the wreathes and rushes. Let our critic E. Basil St. Blaise review the juiciest celebrity memoirs and Holiday albums for your super-special gift list. What Not
What Now: MoCCA Fest 2025
Now What Media was at MoCCA Fest, the annual alt-comics convention run by the Society of Illustrators, on March 15 & 16. The gathering features the non-superhero, hipsterish approach to the form, with plenty of cute and snarky animal cartoons thrown in. What Now
Kozmic Pictures: Doctor Weird
Marvel as the Mystical Master of the White Arts, guarded by his faithful manservant, casts his Oval Office spells to ensorcell the mopish Red State minions. He'll have Agatha spinning on her broomstick and Harry wetting his Horcrux in Kozmic Pictures Proudly Presents.
Deadlines: Project 1325 BC
The controversy concerning the conservative political agenda Project 2025 has been overshadowed by the purported discovery of an ancient carved document claimed to be unearthed by the Kato Institute (named for the manservant of the Green Hornet.) Deadlines
Bad Adss: Harvard Beats
Even elite Ivy League schools need to adverstise, especially when they're trying to attract that most exceptional student who not only has a 4.18 GPA and captained the HS rowing team, but a unicorn who won't be subjected to a world view not their own Bad Adss.
Podcast: Critic's Corner Ep. 13
In Unlucky Episode 13, E. Basil St. Blaise and Josef are stranded in Amnisia's backyard as they …sling the hash à la Animal House …find fault with Uncle Walt …spot 101 Dalmatians …melt down Frozen II …sharpen up Knives Out …suspend A Beautiful Day …Critic's Corner Podcast
NW Publishing: Travel Is Oxygen
We can help you turn your travel story or your favorite artwork into a published book from inital concept to finshed product on sale at Amazon.com. Let us guide you through all the steps in-between from editing to layout and printing. Now What Publishing